alOhX i m baCk.loL
oK.leTs staRt wiF skoL anNi.shud bE likE 3pM reAch buT i Go aT 2.30pm.thEn hUiyiNG thEre alreAdy..sO oK laRx.nOt loCk oUt.hAhax.thEn sAm coME iN thEn thE reSt coMe iN loR.thEn gO chaNGe loR.thEn hAd teA breAk.thEn whEn fOr tEstIng.yaR.thEn cAmE up aWhilE.thEn gO doWn foR acTual thEn found oUT thAt i neVa brIng stoPPer.thEn i shOuted oh shit sO loud.hahAx.thEn ask siUsian hElp mE takE lor.arigatok siUsian.thEn wE at baCkstaGe wAit foR quiTe loNG.abIt neRvous laR.hAhax.wE diD veRy weLl laR.goR (i.l) saY dE.buT theN i feLt thaT thaT waS thE besT amoNg alL thE reHErsalS.especIalLy thE endIng.wahLOuhx alL enD aT thE exaCt saME timE.coOl maN.i toLd mS tan.shE saY wE lasT yr neRvous thaTs whY.buT i thIS yR moRe nErVous theN lasT yeaR lehX.hAhax.NCSO.wE maDE iT!!!. yaR thEn afTer thAT wE weNT uP.chAt foR awHilE thEn haRresh caLl soMEonE tO brIng tHe foOd Up loR.yaR thEn wE eaT iNSidE thE stUDio loR.gT frIEd riCe n noOdleS.i aTe thE frIEd rIce.altHough nT mucH kiam.buT thEn aT leaST beTa thAn laSt yR dE.thEn sAm thEy alL leFt eArlY cZ i waIT foR paRentS.thEn foLLoW yEyE gO thRow ruBbish coZ hE duNo whEre to tHrow (here for 3 years le still duno *shake head*.loL)thEn sUrpriSingLY meT sAm thEY alL doWnstAirs.thEy sAy thEy waiTinG foR weIjieT.toO baD i neVa saW hiM.i onlY saW siUSiAn,kEn n xY onLy.hAhax.ivAn saY hE caME buT oSo nevA saW him.wahlouhX sam.thRow rubbish together like couple??.mad laR.anyhoW spout noNscence loR.yar thEn i N yEyE wEnt uP.wE r tHE laSt onE.thEn wAit foR haReeSh loCk doOr.thEn wE alL 3 go doWn togethEr.hahAx.thEn H. aSk yEye whEre hE stAy thEn waNa givE hiM a liFt.i saY mr H.hE suCh a biG guY wonT losT.u shUd bE moRe coNCern wiF gaLS waD.hAhax.thEn mr H. daRk waIT he losT hiS waY arhX. LOL.plS loR.xiAo dE.thEN mR H Go reTurn kEys.thEn yeYE takE mR H bAg n waIT foR hiM to reTurn kEys so wE saY bB.thEn waiT foR my paRents thEn gO baCk loR.oK suCh a loNg daY. o yaR i n mF actuAllY woRe ouR hiGh heEls n ruN.hAhax.
17th oF apRil.mrS nG gaVe birTh tO a cuTe & healThy baBy boY aT mt A. conGratS
rEcenTly goT thE auStrAliAn pPl caME foR exChange progRamme.wE acTualLY haVe dE loR duNo whY caNCel baND acTualLY haVe elEctRic guITar lOR.coOl mAn.kP waiTing foR koh to takE thE cOM keYS waIT unTil sO loNG.thEn yEyE oSo thERE.hAHAx.thEn wE doWn thEre ToK loR.woW.thE aUS guYS nT baD siA.woNTloSe tO spore guYS oR maYbe eVen beTa hAhax.i kNow inSide gT oNE aSain dE.sHud bE fRom kOrea.coOl.thEn gT kEys gO tO coM lab.foUnd oUT thAt acc.loCk ouT.sO re-Do thE whoLE suAy loR.
fRi gT thE shhK coMbinE sPortS daY.sO manY teAcherS nT thEre.FINALLY.ERIC GOH NEVA COME.haHAx.finalLy thIS dAy haVe comE.thE whoLe dAy siAnx liTtle pPl iN clAss.thEn wE onlY haD 2 lesSons oF chI, 1 leSson of geo & 1 lesSon of chEm.mY as weLl duN go loR.wAste tiME therE.haHAx.thEn reAch hoME slEpt frOm 2pm-6pm.haHAx.thEn thE whoLE nitE caRnt slP.sO stAy uP to deCo thE coNgraTs caRd loR.
22/4.ahMa coME mY hsE coZ mY kUkU gT seMinar.yaR.thEn oN da chAng jIn n waTch loR.yaR thEn halFway i & mY moM gO eugene's hse tO c doRotHy.thE baBY wAs sO cuTe..cuTe liTtle CaydEn Ng kAi Jun.i liKe hiS chIneSe nAme sO nicE siAx.thEn wE siT theRe n toK alOt oF thinGs loR.alOt oF priVatE n fuNny thIngs.shAre oNe wiF u alL.eugeNE sAy hE nevA chAnge hE diapeR b4.whEn hE wanA chanGe thE diAper..hE liFt uP thE bAby's leG thEN sO smElLY.thEn hE puT doWn n neVa chAnge.lOL.trAineE-fAtheR-iN-PrOgreSs.hAhaX.thEn afTer thAt wE weNT to liM chU KanG wenT to fiNd thE sArimbuN caMp buT caRn fiNd.hahAx.tuRn heRe tuRn thErE tiLl i heAdachE.wE enD uP in bollYwood (nT indiA lAR iS thE neTball chAirmAn iVy leE dE faRm laR). thEn wE wenT in tO c alL thE planTs.thEN wE had dinNEr niCe leHx alL thE planTs.noW i m plAnted iNfronT of thIs coM uPdaTing u alL.hAhax
thE miD yR exAm iS arnD thE cornEr & i m sO scAred.esPEcialLy mY chEm, gEo & hiS..i m goNa puT in alOT oF efForts & scORe wEll maN.wiSh mE luCk mY muSic praTicaL exAm foR SA1 iS thIS fRidaY.neRvous leHX.oK lAr.i thInk thIS iS loNg enuFf.cyA. <3>
bAlsAm pLanT
Aloe VerA
cAsheW nuT
kA doNg dOng
mUshRoOms iN a rOw
oNe biG muShroOm.
oNe paPayA haNgiNg oN thE trEe
maNy papayaS hanGinG oN thE trEe
spOT thE liZzie no.1
spoT lizZie no.2.loL
biRd neSt fErn
*all photos taken using my hp. at the bollywood lim chu kang.