
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Find your birthday and then find your tree. This is really cool and somewhat accurate.

Sep 13 to Sep 22 - Lime Tree

Lime Tree (Doubt) -- intelligent, hard working, accepts what life dishes out, but not before trying to change bad circumstances into good ones,
hates fighting and stress, enjoys getaway vacations, may appear tough, but is actually soft and relenting, always willing to make sacrifices for family and friends, has many talents but not always enough time to use them, can become a complainer, great leadership qualities, is jealous at
times but extremely loyal

itx juz so damN acCuratE loR..haHAx..

Friday, January 13, 2006

juZ 2 weEkx oF skoL n iT is sO tiRing lor.haIx.

todAy arhX.sucH a slOw daY.stUdy tiLl waNa "kuN".theN stiLl gT so maNy tesT.teSt herE tesT thEre.wTh loR.buT thaN waITin foR skoL to eND.coz finaLly caN gt mY sWesen trEat.loL

aTer skoL gotA waiT foR yuqI.sO lonG loR shE.makE mE,Mf, saM waIt foR heR so daT caN go cP.theN meET kF at cp 7-11.hE waS waItin foR uS thEre.theN i n yUqi paRt wiF saM n meIfanG lor.theN afTer KF bouGht hiS sweEt thEn i n yuQi dumP ouR boOks tO hiM n hE heLp uS caRry.loL

theN gO sWeseNS waT.aiYo yUQi keEp askiN waD is tiX waD is daT.theN kp saYin aiyO tix sO ex~ daT sO ex~.theN Kf saY comE letS gO giB theM $1.50 foR the plaIN waTer theN we go foOd couRt eaT.wahLouhx. theN maKe mE n Kf goIn to "qI sI" loR. "waD is tiX arHX.waD is daT".haHax.thEn we keEp waiTing foR eacH othEr to choSe foOD.kF chosE duno wad fisH witH saMbaL,i choSe thE craYfisH pasTa,yuQi eaT fisH n chiPS.it waS a seT meaL sO thE souP camE firsT.thEn the waIteR gO n giVe thE souP to kaMfunG firsT theN afTer daT theN gib us.theN after thE waiTer go.Kf angrY saY waNA comPlain to maNager daT thE waIter duNo waD is laDies firsT - laME loR.lykE daT oso waNa compLAin.thEn the wAiTer neVa givE us enuFf servieTtes So wanA comPlain.*shaKe heaD*

thEn i saY thE souP toO saLtish theN kF oSo saY waNa comPlain.waHlouhX.thEn suRe faSter stOp hiM laR.in thE enD i nevA drInk thE souP.afTer daT the maiN coursE caME.i n yuQi gt firsT coZ ouR seT comE firsT wad.loL.then KF ordEr frenCh frIes n caLamarieS osO.theN noT enuFf servietTes foR 3 oF us hE oso waNA complAin.aiYo.then we toK toK lufF lufF loR.theN i notIce someThin veRy wieRd. ~ coz whEneveR yuQi saY anytHin kF wilL stAre aT me.theN i kP saYin "waD lA.noT i saY u loOk aT me foR waD".thEn b4 daT hoR thE faKE shaRon ~ joleeN calL (kF steAd).theN kF telL heR he eaTing wiF twO idioTs(WTH loR).theN lateR daT joLeen rePLy wiF a messAge "enjoY ur mealS wif 2 idioTx :).I MISS U!." aiYo.so muShy.theN eaT toK lufF lor.buT theN i caN senSe thE waiTeR keEp staRin aT us loR.

i eaT the pasTA wifouT thE craYfish alReadY verY fuLl loR.thEn haVin a dIfFicuLt tymE eaTin thE craYfish loR.haHax.i waS the lAsT to FinisH mY meaL.thaN caRn eaT the frieS lE.theN we pusH alL to Kf.theN he eaT finisH.theN the icE-creaM camE.the set dE lar.chOcolaTe ice-creAm wiF the choCo chips bisCuit on ToP n cheRry.theN the cheRry sO naN3 chI1 loR.aiyO.theN actuaLly wE wanA ordeR earThquaKe buT then toO fulL le.buT yuqI insisTed on waNA eaT sumoRe ice-creAm.loL.theN i actuAlLY teLl yuQi eaT banAna spliT.theN shE enva saY anytHin.theN ask kF he osO saY thE samE.theN yQ saY waD is banAna spliT theN kF saY "xiang jiao chuan" direCt translatioN banAna boaT.loL.theN wE ordeR daT lor.

theN whEn waIT foR the banNA boat to comE wE "explOre" kF hp.gO reaD hiS musHy mesSage.loL.theN whEn thE banaNA boaT caME yuqI stiLl "exploriN".sO i n kF eaT theN duN caRe abT yQ.by daT tymE gona finiSh le.loL.theN yuQi duN eaT banAna theN wE 2 "sup4".theN in thE end lefT wiF the biscuIt n cheRry.kP pusH herE pusH therE.theN in the eNd stiLl KF eaT.loL. afTer daT kF stiLl waNA ordEr.wE stop hiM.sO fulL le loR.theN we siT theRe awhIle theN thE waIter caME wiF thE bilL.hE scareD wE neva paY jiU go.loL.thE bilL waS $63.65 onlY loR. theN kF thoT wilL bE lykE $100.haHa.hE toOk thE $37 thEn lefT thE 35 cenTs theRe.

theN aftEr daT we weNT waLk waLk loR.sO kF enD uP heLp uS to taKE ouR boOks AGAIN.loL. lykE serVanT lykE daT righT.so guai4 weaRing homE clothEs buT carryIn chEm, physiCs, aMathx & mY fiLe waLk heRe waLk theRe.theN wE go librarY gO retUrn mY boOks.theN waLk waLk loR.walk inTo poPx theN walK out agAin.saW jianG da wiF his steaD.shuD be laR.kF saY de.theN afTer daT walK le. gO toP up mY ez-liNk caRd.wahlOuhx.theN kF kP go & preSs thE caNcel. lucKY hoR.whEn i presS mY piN he waNA presS canceL i blockeD hiM arhx.iF nT we wiLl spenD aloT of tymE therE.theN we gO waiT foR my parenTs coZ theY wanA feTch mE.theN wE dowN thEre laG foR awhiLE.theN kF kP yawNin.theN makE me wAna sleEp loR.theN afTer daT i gO waIT foR mY parenTs thEn yuqI n kaMfunG gO taKE lrT bacK lor.

noW so tirEd.gO bacK homE jiU sleEp le.itS ONLY 2 WEEKS n itS so tirIng.haiX.caRN waIT foR nx wK CNY. duNo whY caRn feEl thE xin nian qi fen lehX.ok laR.i wiLl trY tO bloG if i caN.takKAire guYx.n leTs woRk harD.we wILl bE freE juZ afTer 2 yeArs!!!

soRry larHx.so loNg nevA bloG le.leTs rewInd baCk to 25th deC ~ chistMas day cuM mY hoUse waRminG.

eArly mornin waKe up prePare n paCk thE wholE hsE.9am thE buFfet camE thAn thE firsT to reaCh waS unclE bernArd n auNty lenA.yaR then thEy chaT wif my parEnt laR.n gT me a preZzie osO.theN aftEr daT mY dAd's relAtive caME.they stAy untIl quiTe laTe loR.arND 8++pm lor.juz tO c my grAndmA.thEn afTer dAT xiAoliN FINALLY camE.loL.haHx.shE oso gt mE preseNT.~choCs.theN afteR daT thE olD neIGhbours caME.yaR thAn i n xL sat ouTside "ja gar" dE foOd n heLp to seRve.

thEn afTer daT auNty leNg sEe n heR soN ~ thE pro er-hu plaYer caME.i wAs shocKEd loR.i waS wonderin hu was dat guy.coz her son go n die his hair until lyKe whIte haiR.i gT a shOck loR.coZ b4 his o lVl c hiM nT lyke daT.hahax.afTer o lVl jiU whiTe haiR.scaRey.theN aunTY iREne caME.yaR then boTh aunTies siT togethEr theN aunTY lenG seE comMent hiS soN lyKe gt whITe haIr. theN i n xL heAr le keeP laughin

theN aunTy trUdy caME.coZ my paRents bZ so calL me enTertaIN her.yar than tok tok abt our studies lor.then after dat wana go out then my mom came in wif nigel mom.than i "gong gong" de lor.i say hur?.hu?.haha.then my mom say.aiyar nigel mother lar.then i orhx lor.than come alot of ppl lar.all my mom's collegues and my dad's relatives.so bz.

i n xL end up at my neighbour house slack n wAtch tv.in thE end gana drag back to my house to helP.haIx.at leaSt gT Xl acCompaNy me.theNw e kp goIn to my roOm to lisTen jaY chou ~ noVembeR choPin.loL.theN at niTe aunTy alIce n thE whoLe famIly caMe.so manY ppL.theNnOt loNg theN xL go hoMe lor.

so tireD loR.theN enD aT waTchin LOTR (lorD of thE rinGs).haHax.sO laTe theN slP.loL

1st Jan ~ weNT for buFfet aT ah-mA hsE. Go theRe nO morE foOd le loR.thEn a gRouP of cHildreN waTchIn harRy potTer.i enD up eatIn thE numErous caKe foR lunCh.loL theN afTer dAt soMe of theM lefT .theN in thE end left me,Ray sHawn and ji-kiM watChin hArRy potTer loR.

thEn we haD a moVie marAthon.coz i brOught sam's vcD therE.theN we watCh finiSh harRy potTer theN watCh constAtntinE theN waTch hoUse oF furY tilL afTer dinNer.theN afTer daT watCh zhOng yI da gE da whiLe eatIn dinNer.mY uncLe, paRents & an uNcle go ouT eaT.leFt uS eaT thE maId's blanD coOkin.blEahx.