sTriNG bBQ oF tHE yR..loL..
eARly iN tHE mORniNG weNT tO gT tHE iNGreDienTs..thAN prEpARe soME of ThE foOD..sO leI4 loRhx..afTEr dAt aT aRnd 2.30pm.mEt mF,Hy,yQ aT cp tO buY tHE reST of thE foOd..wE wEnt tO coLd sTorAge gO bUy chAmpaGne aNd chIpx..tHen mE,mF,yQ tAke bUS to hG poInt.hY toOk bUS gO hoME..wE weNT hG poiNt dE nTuc gO buY thE bBQ eqUipmeNTs lYke fUnNY..wE tAke coLd sToRage bAg n gO nTuc bUY thiNgs..loL..tHan aFter dAT gO buY icE..bUy lE jIu meEt clE n shAron doWnstaIRs lOR..thEY alL sO lOng sO whEn hUiyiNg caME dowN i n hEr wAit foR theM loR..mF anD yQ go tAke beEhoOn lor..yaR thAn wAiT untIl sO lOnG unTil thEy FINALLY cAme doWn..loL..shOCkeD tO c ClE's haND wIf a cAst..thAn hE stiLl waNT tO taKE heAvy thIngs..aIYo..wE kP asKin hIm dUn tAke hE stIlL tAke..sO stUbboRn..iN thE enD dE taKe chArcoal n chiPs.thaN shaRon takE ice.hY taKE icE and chAmpagne.i tAke thE huMongoUs icE box..loL..(cLE:..u dAre cAll mE maYi aRghx..aS i sAy..u cAn tOk tO maYi wHicH maKEs u oNE toO..muaHaHax) thAn wE jaywalk acRosS to shAron hsE loR..wE weNT tO thE bBQ pIt theRe n seT uP the plAce lOr..i n hUiyIng cleAn the beNches anD tables..than cLe & thOSe piOneEr bAtch plAyers sTArt thE fiRe..nT loNG yQ aND mF caME baCk n sLack lor.i n hY gOtTa hOld thE umbrElLa..coZ drIzzliN mahX..tHan lAter kAmfUng cAMe sO hE tAke ovEr clE n tAke cAre tHER firE loR..sO tiRed..tHaN sAm caMe wiF heR chIckenS..loL.thaN mY paRents cAme wiF thE caTeriN foOD n sAlad..
aCtuaLly i wANna rEst lE loR..thAn keN n siLvia cAme..lyKE sAm sAy..keN lyKE feW dAys neVa eaT lyKE day..come lE jIu kP sayIn faSter coOk thE foOd..thAn mAke us tHE JUNIORS neEd tO cooK fOR the SENIORS..wAhlouHx..sO tiRed..thAn dat kKf gO n faN thE fiRE thaN maKE us aLl gT "daNDruff"..wahLouhx..sTand aT thE "fiReplaCe" thEre wAs sO hOT loR..thAn wE "chicKen feEt duCk hAnds" aND coOk thE foOD..aT firST thE foOD coOk is eiTher stiLl raW or iT is ChaOtA..loL..hAhAx..aT onE tYme aLl thE chIcken wIngS r cHAotA loR..coz kEn lar gO n thRow thE crAbsticK insIDe wiF thE icE..thAn the fiRe sudDenly sPutTer oUT..thAn mAke thE chIcheN wiNG aLl chAo tA loR..neVa eaT muCh dAT dAy lAR..1 plaTE of bEehoOn.1 sAtaY.1 cRabstiCk.1 otAH. 1 cHickeN meAT. 1 cHicKEn wiNG.n 1 caN of driNk..u c sO pethetic riGht..cAn couNt de..alL onE onLY..unTil 8pm..caNnot tAhan le..aSk thE seNiors coOk tHemselVEs thaN wE cAn finaLly rest..u aLl senioRs sO bAd arHx..onLY knOw hoW to dO ur catcHin up thAn alL thow the wOrk to we alL juniOrs loR..finaLly wE caN reSt le..thAn wE opEn thE 2 botTless of chAmpagnE to driNk thAn wE plaY pokEr cARds loR..plaY 21 dian aND CheaT..afTer dA veRy i,sAm and MF wEnt tO thE louNGe to slAck n tOk loR..yaR theN wE weNT uP to eAT sOme sAlad..thAn coME doWn aGain..bUT kAmfUng aND wEijiEt iS thERe..nT coNVeniEnt tO wE wEnt to tHE plaYgrouND..yUQi n hUiyiN thEre osO..tHAn sAM n mF wAs plAyin thE seE-sAW sO i wEnt iNTo thE swImMing poOl loR..i reAlLY dID loR.diDn u c i foLd mY paNTs uP..hAhAx..iT wAs oNLy 0.5m..i mIsS reGentviLLe sWimmIng poOl..hahAx..yAR..thEn wE werE sAyin whERe iS keN n sILviA..i tOld thEm thEy go plAy tenNis thEy dUn belieVE..loL..thAn afTer dAT wE weNT uP coZ mF leavIn le..shE nx morNin goiN genTing wad..sHe waNted tO saY bB to - - -..bUT thAn pAiseh..hahax..thAN i saY i heLp hEr saY..yar..thAn i n sAM acCompaNy heR n jiAyu tO thE bus-sTop lOR.afTER daT i dID teLl - - - dat mF sAY bB..i eVen sAy twICe leHx..bUT iS onLY - - - ..neVA heAR onLY maHX..sO i neVA breAk heR promIse..actuAlly shE duN waNT mE sAy dE coZ pAiseh..sO i diD sAY nO loSs nO gAin waD..thAn afTer dAT..wE waLk baCk to regEntvilLE.thAn thEy packIn uP le..thAn heLp to cleAR up..mosT of ThE uNeATen foOd gO inTo tHE stOmacH oF thE dusTbiN..loL..thE duStbin mUx bE grAdIduTe cOZ nOoNE brOught thE foOd hoME.exCept mE aND sAm..loL..hAhA..tHAn mY pAreNTs wAS cUi-in mE tO gO hoME..thAn wAit fOR shARon tO pASs sAm thE t/b thAn wE gO hoME loR..thAn taMmie tum-pang mY cAR..sHE sAy sHE gOin auStraLIa(wAHx. *envIous*)..thAN wEijieT gOin thAilanD..yAR..thAn dRop hEr ofF..thAn weNT baCk hoME..reACh hoME aT 12am..sO dAmn lATe..i bRoke mY reCorDs..sO lAte thAn coME baCk..reAch hOme jIu gO bAThe..thAn tAlLY thE mOneY.thAn gO tO sLp..bY dAT tyME wAs alReADy 1++AM Le LoR..So MInG Ku..
So DEad TIrED Dat Day..buT hU cARes..eVEryOne enJOy..doZin ofF tO sLp lE..u beTA thAnk.mY pARenTs.sAm.mF's mOm. fOR tHE prEpaRAtion oF thE foOd hoR..loL..moSTly mUZ tHaNK mE fOR orGaniSin hoR..iF nT u aLl gT nO bBQ tO gO tO..sO mUZ thANkx mE thE mosT..hAHA..kidDin onLY laR..iTs thE hElp frOm moST of tHE JUNIORS n SOME seniors..loL..
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